Friday 8 November 2013

Double page spread research

I really like this double page spread layout, the way the one whole side is the photo of the star who is Lana Del Rey shows how important she is. The way the text is put  in columns makes it easy to understand so you don't have any difficulty. It is very simple but effective and the big S makes. Recently i have posted a double spread page of Katy Perry with there being a bold letter in the background also - I really like these type of cover pages and would like to do it in my magazine.

I like the camera work of the image, its dark making it look mysterious with a red streak running through her hair. This is the only bold colour used suggesting things like love, passion and lust. The way the camera techniques used circles almost made it look like they are stars, that is what you think about seeing them showing how shes a star.

I like the way the image is unusual and Lana Del Rey is not looking at the camera but has her eyes closed, this is not normal for magazines to do this as it goes against the usual conventions of a magazine layout.

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